Mission Locale Picardie Maritime - FRANCE
Created in 2000, the Mission Locale Picardie Maritime aims to welcome, inform, guide and support young people aged 16 to under 26 who have left the school system by building with them a personalized path towards employment and training. It offers a wide range of tools responding to targeted issues (employment, mobility, autonomy, orientation, self-esteem, training, entrepreneurship, health, housing, etc.) while promoting social and professional integration.
The Local Mission of Picardie Maritime today has three complementary service offerings:
• A Youth service dedicated to supporting young people aged 16-25 who have left the school system,
• A PLIE service (FAP devices, Insertion clause, RCE Reinforcement),
• A House of Employment and Training service (PRIF).
But also a transversal service dedicated specifically to businesses, engineering and innovation. In a permanent concern to expand and diversify its actions and activities in favor of its public, the Mission Locale Picardie Maritime has been developing for more than 15 years, as a sponsor or partner, European operations intended to support young people towards, more autonomy and mobility. As part of a pilot partnership with the Conseil Québécois de la Cooperation et de la Mutualité, we are also developing an approach based on cooperative learning with the creation of the Institut Jeune COOP. To meet the needs of its audience, our structure develops specific and innovative actions covering themes including employment, career guidance and training. Solutions relating to health, housing, culture, leisure and mobility can also be considered and proposed, thus offering a comprehensive and adaptable range of tools on a case-by-case basis.
The Picardie Maritime Local Mission has set up, since January 1, 2021, a Living Lab aimed at developing educational engineering tools and support courses in a holistic and co-constructed approach in partnership with local stakeholders. and young audiences followed by our structure. As part of specific support for the most vulnerable groups, the Local Mission has a Youth Listening Point run by a multidisciplinary team made up of a psychologist, a specialized educator and a Facilitator, Journey Coach. Operating in 162 municipalities in the west of the Somme department, the Mission Locale Picardie Maritime has two reception sites in Abbeville and Friville-Escarbotin as well as a mobile office crisscrossing the territory to meet young people. This broad geographic reach thus makes it possible to compensate for territorial disparities and reach people from remote communities or those unable to travel. Our team of 42 people with recognized professionalism is experienced in the social and professional integration of the public. She takes care to build with them a personalized journey in line with their expectations and the situation. A certified coach training process was started in 2022 for half of the staff. It continues in 2023. The Local Mission of Picardie Maritime is in contact each year with more than 3,500 young people, 2,270 of whom benefited in 2020 from formal support by socio-professional advisors in their path to social integration and professional, relying in particular on support systems such as PACEA, the Youth Guarantee, the PPAE, PLIE actions, sponsorship, IEJ courses, etc. Young people accompanied by the Local Mission of Picardie Maritime are cared for as part of comprehensive support which takes into account all their characteristics.
Aventura Marao Clube - PORTUGAL
Aventura Marao Clube is a civil, local, public utility and non-profit association created in 1993 by a group of young people from the city of Amarante. Its mission is to promote good health practices in daily life, particularly towards young people in the town of Amarante. It currently has more than 400 members. The association is focused on sports/leisure and fair trade. To this end, the first fair trade store was created in 2008 as well as a youth hostel.
The structure has coordinated more than 100 projects, mainly European (international volunteering) which involved 4,500 young people (including 1,500 at local level). As a result, it participates in the promotion of European citizenship and interculturality among local audiences.
Its main objectives:
- Development of social, personal and professional skills
- Promotion of solidarity values through volunteering in the daily lives of populations
- Promotion of ecological and sustainable practices among populations
Target groups: local population, young people, social workers, teachers, local institutions, local and international partners.
AMC’s strategy, through Casa da Juventude, is to meet the needs of its target audiences by building on existing opportunities. The implementation of this strategy is based on an educational approach favoring non-formal education as a vector of experimental methods (learning by doing), creative, artistic and sporting activities (such as music or outdoor activities) allowing active engagement of young people.
The main pillars:
a) Well-being and health (food and sport)
b) Sustainable development (organic production, short circuit and fair trade)
c) Human Rights Education
e) Intercultural dialogue, in particular with Africa and the Caucasus.
Currently, AMC plays a leading role in the social and cultural dynamics of Amarante, being partners in several local and international initiatives, events and projects. AMC is also accredited for sending, welcoming and coordinating European volunteers (EVS and CES).
Strategy 2021 - 2027:
- Sustainability (practices and actions that involve the local population, reduce the carbon footprint and help combat global warming)
- Education (how to create citizens of tomorrow who are more aware of their duties and responsibilities with a more tolerant and supportive vision of the world around them)
- Cooperation (how to develop local and international partnerships that allow a more sustainable approach to cooperation between different actors in society (citizens, organizations, businesses and institutions)
Main activities :
1) Development of sport and outdoor activities
2) Promotion of fair trade
3) Coordination of the youth hostel (with accommodation, bar, restaurant etc.)
4) Development and participation in local and international projects
Izba Przemysłowo-Handlowa w Toruniu - POLOGNE
We are an association created in 1989 according to the act of the Chambers of Commerce. We do not make a profit. We allocate funds to statutory activities. In practice, we help entrepreneurs in the Region in the creation and development of businesses. We advise on the acquisition of new customers, the export of products and services, the acquisition of external financing (subsidies, loans, etc.). We connect individuals and businesses. We have conducted and provided thousands of consulting services.
Our main objective is to support business development, made possible by the implementation of projects. The offer is updated according to user needs and economic reality.
An important activity is helping businesses network.
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry provides its members with advice and training. The quality of our services is confirmed by the quality management standard ISO 9001:2015.
We have implemented many projects, including:
1- The largest conference in the region dedicated to companies “the company of the future”
Since 2017, the Torun CCI has been organizing a conference called “the company of the future”. This is free and open to all local entrepreneurs, regardless of their sector of activity and experience. The topics covered during the conference are linked to contemporary issues facing entrepreneurs such as: globalization, innovation, the digital economy, new marketing trends, etc.
Each year it attracts more participants than the previous year.
2- Grow with us – a consulting service for businesses
A service allowing us, thanks to regional funds, to provide companies from various sectors with advice provided by certified experts. The advice provided can cover subjects such as: finance, European funds, legislation, marketing, social networks, security, human resources, investment, etc.
So far 53 services have been provided to 45 entrepreneurs. The most popular topics are law, finance and marketing.
3- IBCL Smart Building
This building, built with the idea of creating innovative solutions in the field of office automation, serves as a living laboratory for companies wishing to test and implement new products and services.
The Torun Chamber of Commerce and Industry is associated with 303 companies.
Ballymun Job Centre
Co-Operative Society limited - IRLANDE
Ballymun Job Center Co-op Society Limited (BJC) is a local non-profit association, which helps with the professional integration of people seeking employment. The BJC was created in 1987 by local people. It is governed by a board of directors. The general objective of the BJC is to improve the employability of the people monitored, increase their income and thus reduce their vulnerability to precariousness.
The BJC seeks to reduce the precariousness of those supported by offering them support towards employment, education or training. The BJC has a staff of 30 people with various skills. It includes professional integration advisors, psychologists, European project managers, reception agents, administration agents and business relations managers.
The BJC always seeks to remain innovative and experiment with new things to respond to the growing challenges that present themselves to its audience on a daily basis. Since the mid-1990s, the BJC has been involved in numerous European programs. They allowed BJC to have the resources to be innovative, to put new ideas into practice and to test new working methods.
Over the years, the BJC has always made sure to learn lessons from the work carried out through European projects, allowing it to improve its working methods and develop innovative actions benefiting the residents of Ballymun and other disadvantaged areas. . Since its opening, 20,000 people have registered with BJC and our services have enabled more than 6,000 of them to access employment. More than 5,700 people have participated in the training provided by BJC. Relationships have been established with more than 500 employers in the greater Dublin area.
The BJC operates in a local context and offers training and employment support to residents who are disadvantaged in the labor market.
Le Cube Consultants is a Young Innovative Company (JEI) which supports local authorities, associations and businesses in Action Research approaches in terms of territorial development and strategic communication.
To achieve this ambition, it has set itself 4 essential missions with local stakeholders:
Support for Foresight Management of Jobs, skills and career paths (GPECPP). This approach is an innovation in relation to the general management strategy and the management of territorialized human resources.
The implementation of specific training in local development oriented Human Resources dedicated to individuals and local collectives.
Proposing innovative concepts for research protocols likely to promote inclusion, sustainable development and territorial transitions.
The proposal of new forms of communication accompanied by a multimodal strategy The first of these three missions, that which concerns the GPECPP, is precisely at the heart of the cooperation partnership project. Research work as well as observations from our support show that the management of skills and activities (or GPECC) at the level of a company or territory is often the responsibility of a department or a political manager. Its complexity and its entanglement with other development strategies often make it difficult to read by other development actors and end up isolating the person who was motivated to take on the mission. The GPECPP is abandoned or integrated into other more sectoral strategies (agriculture, industry, etc.) or into other more global policies (economic development, sustainable development, etc.).
However, the skills of the women and men of the territory or company constitute a strategic, non-transferable and non-replaceable intangible resource. Based on the observation that many territories are experiencing a new land attractiveness but that this does not always benefit residents or new arrivals, Cube Consultants prepares, organizes and leads global GPECC territorial strategies.
Finally, Cube Consultants also invests in a strategic area for territorial stakeholders with regard to strategic project communication. Since its creation, LCC has acquired advanced skills in general and territorial communication.
Focused primarily on peri-urban and rural areas, Cube Consultants brings its expertise to sparsely populated areas characterized by a lack of expertise in the management of intangible resources and in particular human resources. The Cube's interventions are based on a set of values common to the territories and the participants, namely the social inclusion of populations furthest from territorial economic dynamics, humanism in the perspectives proposed and finally the preparation of ecological transition as an issue. major.
Faithful to these values, Le Cube is committed to several quality initiatives in order to achieve a high level of Social and Environmental Responsibility (CSR).